Communicating species loss…by gardening?

This week Heather and I have been installing a ‘garden’as part of the MIFGUS event, Carlton Gardens, Melbourne. I am using this opportunity to introduce the subject of loss of mammal species to a large audience. Here’s some photos of our week’s work. The rock outcrop is in fact made of recycled cardboard, so lets hope it doesn’t rain!

A blank canvas, the builders had finished their support stucture and gone.
Placing the stones and ‘outcrop’
So far so good, we have to finish by Tuesday
You can always tell who’s boss.
Eri, Rob’s Japanese girlfriend helps out.


By Saturday 3pm, the garden instal is starting to gel, but we are all gardened out!

Warru copy
This flier will be handed out and kids encouraged encouraged to find a Warru.

120,000 people attend this event.

FOUR DAYS LATER….the installation is finished. Here’s how it looks for opening day (Wednesday 16th March)





Thanks for all the likes and comments..Peter


4 thoughts on “Communicating species loss…by gardening?”

  1. Gday Peter and Heather, super surprised to find we are both doing work at MFIGS this year. I have just finished the white rope stucture next door to your site. Last Thursday i was curiously watching u guys organise some plants but didn’t look hard enough to notice it was u. Amazing coincidence!!



  2. Hi Matt, amazing! We had been watching this mad guy with ropes next to us but had no idea it was you. We must take the time to compare notes during show time. Cheers, Peter


    1. Hi Pete, ill be at the show this Thursday to have a browse around so ill come and say hello. I’m sure we can compare notes on how to make ropes look like steel lattice and paper mache look like rocks.


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